Sunday, March 27, 2011

Another Livestream Session

Hey guys,

Livestreaming again tonight at 8:00PM (EASTERN TIME).

Come join me if y'all have any questions or just wanna see how I edit our episodes. This episode was really short, so get there quick!

-Cameron (Kenburn)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

We Won!

The battle against Xforgery has ended, victory is ours.

Xforgery put up a hell of a fight, they were all good games, and I look forward to our future interactions with them and their website.

I'd also like to thank Eggymean and xSoGx Scope for filling in 2 of our team slots when other members could not make it.

Good Game Xforgery!

-Cameron (Kenburn)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Updated Designs

So, thanks to the advice from many, I've updated the logo a bit. Here are some versions of it I'm currently considering, tell me what you guys like the most.

-Cameron (Kenburn)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Logos and Business Cards

So, thanks to a good friend of mine, I've been learned the ways of a digital art program called inkscape. I am very unhandy with digital art, but this program made it quite easy for me to make a few doodles. So I created a Logo concept and perhaps some background art for business cards, should we decide to finally print some.
The colored piece is the logo concept (it obviously still needs a lot of cleaning up)
and the B&W piece is the business card concept.

Thanks for Readin'
-Cameron (Kenburn)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A New Challenger Approaches!

Yes, we've been challenged by the staff of to battle on Halo: Reach.

It should be around next friday that we actually do battle, you'll probably find some updates on their website:

Those who know me probably know that I don't actually 'play' halo per say, mainly it's the maps I'm interested in. It's been quite a while since I ventured into matchmaking, so I suppose some training is in order. Hopefully we wont get our asses handed to us too quickly.

-Cameron (Kenburn)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

New Mic's

Hey everyone,

The impossible has come to pass, we're now using a new way to record our voices in high quality. Before I get into the details, let me tell you why we were so resilient to the idea.

One major downfall of high quality microphones (in most cases) is the need for a script. For a very long time we did not have access to a program that allowed us to speak with each other live whilst recording. In other words, in order to record in high quality, we needed to do it one person at a time. This disallowed improv, a key element in our show. We've tried in the past to record in this format to determine if the audience truly wanted this over our normal method. In the end we got the same result, just as many people pissed off that we were not funny anymore.

Being funny is fun, so we decided to stick with the xbox live microphones until a better solution was found. Thankfully Jason (ITz BruJiN) figured out a way for us to perform the task of recording multiple people at the same time. So on episode 26, you will see our first attempt at this new method of filming. Histroy tells us that no matter what, there's going to be people that hate the gold you give them, but perhaps this time that group will be smaller.

-Cameron (Kenburn)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Livestreaming Again!

Hey Guys,

I'll be livestreaming tomorrow at 2:00PM EST (1:00PM Central, 12:00PM GMT, 11:00AM Western)

Come join me, ask questions if you got 'em.

-Cameron (Kenburn)