Monday, September 5, 2011

New Series?!?!?!

Yep, finally happening.

We're making another attempt at a new series. It's nothing extraordinarily original, but if you'd like to get a more in-depth look at some of the things we do when we're not filming on xbox live, you'll probably enjoy this show.

This is an improv show, meaning there's no script. Now, this doesn't mean that we've given up on scripted machinimas, but things are moving pretty slow in that department due to pre-production constraints, so we wanted to give our audience 'something' new for this fall.

We haven't confirmed the title yet, but keep an eye on our channel. We're filming the show on Wednesday, editing it for a few days, and you'll probably see the pilot live sometime next week. Hope you guys enjoy it!

-Cameron Feaster (GT: Kenburn)